Friday, November 22, 2013

Weighing In...and a shake recipe!!

I know I said I would give my measurements yesterday, but it took Mike and I a few days to find our measuring tape after the move so I'm a little late. But, like my momma says, better late than never. And really this is the truth. Last time I was doing this weight loss journey I vowed to take my pics from before. I thought about it every day and eventually it was just too late and there was already progress. I was always curious about how many inches I actually did lose, and put on in some places from muscle. So I'm really happy to be doing this

So here it goes. I only took measurements of things I actually care about. For example, I could give a ish less if my arms got smaller. Truthfully, I think my arms are fine, even with the little bit of extra wave that goes on some times. So, if I build muscle and they get bigger, like last time, that's only better for me. :)If you want to know what I look like half naked, scroll down to my first post. If not (I don't blame you) just keep reading. lol.

From just under the belly button (my biggest problem area): 37 inches
hips/butt (ba donk a dont): 42 inches
Thunder Thighs: 22 inches

I'm almost done my first week of Focus T25 with Shaun T. Today was the hardest one by far. I have an exciting weekend ahead, which I'll tell you about on Monday, so I had the day off. And, as usual, I'm awake bright and early still, while the boys sleep. BOO!! So I figured I might as well get up and get my workout in. 

Today was the Lower Focus workout. I don't have much lower body strength which blows my mind. My lower body used to be on point. I had thick quad muscles and sexy calf muscles. I was a dancer for 15 years and then a cheerleader all throughout high school. I was constantly working my lower half. Now it's everything I have to keep balance.

Part of that is because of the broken foot and it just plain hurts to put all my weight on it, but I tried and I did my best. I had to take a few 2 second breaks just to release the pain. lol. But pain is good. I can tell you my legs are shaking like the leaves on a tree right now!!!

OK, so I mentioned in the last post about drinking a protein shake after my workout. Drinking one right now actually...

I had a few people ask me about how I make my protein shakes, so I figured why not write the recipe in the blog!! It's so easy!!

We use just regular old whey protein from Walmart. It's like $16 per 1.95 lbs. We usually buy a few different flavors so we don't get bored. Vanilla is by far my favorite though.

Put all this in a blender...
1 heaping scoop of protein
1 banana frozen or not
1 spoonful of peanut butter (optional)
about 1/3 cup of oats (optional)
cover with milk
ice cubes until your desired thickness

So easy. and Delish!!

How's your workout journey going?!?!


  1. Go girl! Those are such cute pics btw :-)

  2. Get it get it lol! Good luck lady!

  3. I watched an infomercial on the T25 fitness program this morning. It looks pretty intense but gives good results. I am excited to follow along and see how it works for you. I cant drop that money before Christmas....but I might come January!!! I have done the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 Jillian Michaels work outs over the last two months.

  4. Go girl go! I love that you drink your protein shake out of a beer glass. Fabulous!

  5. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I've been looking for an easy one to make. And I have all of these ingredients!
